Arm yourself with Art

Arm yourself. With right things. With art, music, expressions, impressions, sound, ideas, though, reflection… “Disarm”, turning decommissioned weapons into music instruments is an amazing, inspiring, work by Pedro Reyes. “The purpose of art is to come up with ways to transform the most negative instincts into creative instincts.” – Pedro Reyes “Disarm is a second…

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Wrapped in Sound

Have you ever wondered how it would be if you could see a sound and all its spectra… How would it look if you could be wrapped in it and by it and while being in this sonic whirlwind see it, in pixels… Listening to Cindy Castillo and Aurélie Franck, in Claude Ledoux’s “Notizen-Fragmente” and…

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The birth of the Clapping (music)

“A late evening in Brussels, 1972, Steve Reich attends an ill-performed night of flamenco in a cheap nightclub. He and his ensemble deride the playing, grimace through the singing but are suddenly struck by a moment of epiphany as the dancers bring hands together in the corrillo for a section of Palmas. Walking out into…

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The sound of Fairies

The celesta, an instrument invented in 1896, gets its name for its “celestial,” tinkling sound. It provides the distinctive music that accompanies the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker. NPR’s Bob Edwards discusses the instrument with Morning Edition music commentator Miles Hoffman, and Lambert Orkis of the National Symphony plays some celesta…

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