ah, to be a bee…

If we could see the flowers as bees see them they would be even more beautiful and varied! Richard Feynman [The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I, Chap. 36, “Mechanisms of Seeing.”] “Colour is what we perceive after our brains have processed visual information and represents the wavelength of light coming from objects. This is an…

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Sun Sonification

“We don’t have straightforward ways to look inside the Sun. We don’t have a microscope to zoom inside the Sun, so using a star or the Sun’s vibrations allows us to see inside of it.” Alex Young “The Sun is not silent. The low, pulsing hum of our star’s heartbeat allows scientists to peer inside,…

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Sounds from across the Universe

“Scientists sometimes translate radio signals into sound to better understand the signals. This approach is called “data sonification”. On June 27, 1996, the Galileo spacecraft made the first flyby of Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede, and this audio track represents data from Galileo’s Plasma Wave Experiment instrument.” [via nasa.org]

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Sound of Space

Although space is a vacuum, sound does exist in it. Not as pulsing waves through the air how we perceive it, but as electromagnetic vibrations -electromagnetic waves that pulsate at the same wavelength as the sound waves… so we can actually hear the sounds in(of)space. The specially designed instruments on several NASA probes, including Voyager,…

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Aether by Sanchez+Castro

“Aether is not only the region between the universe and the earth, but is also the element that fills the imperceptible region between the earth and [all] living beings. It as an opportunity for participants to superimpose the “printed spirals in our fingerprints” onto the “spiral shapes of galaxies.”

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